piątek, 18 listopada 2016

Wstał (i otoczyli go)

He got up (and surrounded him)
Record registered in 1991, we were very young and very pissed off ... It was not until we started to extract the first sounds ... :)

środa, 22 czerwca 2016

V O T E O N L Y O N C E !!

REMAIN A MEMBER OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, because the UK should be part of something greater than itself. Also it's the 21st Century, for fuck's sake, and we should be big boys about the EU's faults, and try the, rather than running home to mummy...
LEAVE THE EUROPEAN UNION, because I believe that Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Boris Johnson and Rubert Murdoch all have my best interests at heart and have told me that all our problems are because of the EU, Also I'm a bit racist...

poniedziałek, 11 stycznia 2016

Synchronization symbolic. This album, leaving the artist. Great figure of pop culture, a man who, acting creatively and always use intellect. Consciously played conventions, left behind an impressive legacy. His latest work is a clear manifestation of the relationship with sources. This album is a reminder for today's show business, eating its own tail and producing stars disposable. David Bowie...